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Custom metrics#


tea-tasting supports Student's t-test, Z-test, and some other statistical tests out of the box. However, you might want to analyze an experiment using other statistical criteria. In this case you can define a custom metric with statistical test of your choice.

In tea-tasting, there are two types of metrics:

  • Metrics that require only aggregated statistics for analysis.
  • Metrics that require granular data for analysis.

This guide explains how to define a custom metric for each type.

First, let's import all the required modules and prepare the data:

from typing import Literal, NamedTuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats
import tea_tasting as tt
import tea_tasting.aggr
import tea_tasting.config
import tea_tasting.metrics
import tea_tasting.utils

data = tt.make_users_data(seed=42)
data["has_order"] =
#>       user  variant  sessions  orders    revenue  has_order
#> 0        0        1         2       1   9.166147          1
#> 1        1        0         2       1   6.434079          1
#> 2        2        1         2       1   7.943873          1
#> 3        3        1         2       1  15.928675          1
#> 4        4        0         1       1   7.136917          1
#> ...    ...      ...       ...     ...        ...        ...
#> 3995  3995        0         2       0   0.000000          0
#> 3996  3996        0         2       0   0.000000          0
#> 3997  3997        0         3       0   0.000000          0
#> 3998  3998        0         1       0   0.000000          0
#> 3999  3999        0         5       2  17.162459          1
#> [4000 rows x 6 columns]

This guide uses Pandas as the data backend, but it's valid for other backends as well. See the guide on data backends for more details.

Metrics based on aggregated statistics#

Let's define a metric that performs a proportion test, G-test or Pearson's chi-squared test, on a binary column (with values 0 or 1).

The first step is defining a result class. It should be a named tuple or a dictionary.

class ProportionResult(NamedTuple):
    control: float
    treatment: float
    effect_size: float
    rel_effect_size: float
    pvalue: float
    statistic: float

The second step is defining the metric class itself. Metric based on aggregated statistics should be a subclass of MetricBaseAggregated. MetricBaseAggregated is a generic class with the result class as a type variable.

The metric should have the following methods and properties defined:

  • Method __init__ checks and saves metric parameters.
  • Property aggr_cols returns columns to be aggregated for analysis for each type of statistic.
  • Method analyze_aggregates analyzes the metric using aggregated statistics.

Let's define the metric and discuss each method in details:

class Proportion(tea_tasting.metrics.MetricBaseAggregated[ProportionResult]):
    def __init__(
        column: str,
        correction: bool = True,
        method: Literal["g-test", "pearson"] = "g-test",
    ) -> None:
        self.column = tea_tasting.utils.check_scalar(column, "column", typ=str)
        self.correction = tea_tasting.utils.auto_check(correction, "correction")
        self.method = tea_tasting.utils.check_scalar(
            method, "method", typ=str, in_={"g-test", "pearson"})

    def aggr_cols(self) -> tea_tasting.metrics.AggrCols:
        return tea_tasting.metrics.AggrCols(

    def analyze_aggregates(
        control: tea_tasting.aggr.Aggregates,
        treatment: tea_tasting.aggr.Aggregates,
    ) -> ProportionResult:
        observed = np.empty(shape=(2, 2), dtype=np.int64)
        observed[0, 0] = round(control.count() * control.mean(self.column))
        observed[1, 0] = control.count() - observed[0, 0]
        observed[0, 1] = round(treatment.count() * treatment.mean(self.column))
        observed[1, 1] = treatment.count() - observed[0, 1]
        res = scipy.stats.chi2_contingency(
            lambda_=int(self.method == "pearson"),
        return ProportionResult(
            effect_size=treatment.mean(self.column) - control.mean(self.column),
            rel_effect_size=treatment.mean(self.column)/control.mean(self.column) - 1,

Method __init__ save metric parameters to be used in analysis. You can use utility functions check_scalar and auto_check to check parameter values.

Property aggr_cols returns an instance of AggrCols. Analysis of proportion requires the number of rows (has_count=True) and the average value for the column of interest (mean_cols=(self.column,)) for each variant.

Method analyze_aggregates accepts two parameters: control and treatment data as instances of class Aggregates. They contain values for statistics and columns specified in aggr_cols.

Method analyze_aggregates returns an instance of ProportionResult, defined earlier, with analysis result.

Now we can analyze the proportion of users who created at least one order during the experiment. For comparison, let's also add a metric that performs Z-test on the same column.

experiment_prop = tt.Experiment(
    mean_users_with_orders=tt.Mean("has_order", use_t=False),
#>                 metric control treatment rel_effect_size rel_effect_size_ci pvalue
#> prop_users_with_orders   0.345     0.384             11%             [-, -] 0.0117
#> mean_users_with_orders   0.345     0.384             11%        [2.5%, 21%] 0.0106

Metrics based on granular data#

Now let's define a metric that performs the Mann-Whitney U test. While it's possible to use the aggregated sum of ranks in the test, this example will use granular data for analysis.

The result class:

class MannWhitneyUResult(NamedTuple):
    pvalue: float
    statistic: float

Metric that analyses granular data should be a subclass of MetricBaseGranular. MetricBaseGranular is a generic class with the result class as a type variable.

Metric should have the following methods and properties defined:

  • Method __init__ checks and saves metric parameters.
  • Property cols returns columns to be fetched for an analysis.
  • Method analyze_dataframes analyzes the metric using granular data.
class MannWhitneyU(tea_tasting.metrics.MetricBaseGranular[MannWhitneyUResult]):
    def __init__(
        column: str,
        correction: bool = True,
        alternative: Literal["two-sided", "less", "greater"] | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        self.column = tea_tasting.utils.check_scalar(column, "column", typ=str)
        self.correction = tea_tasting.utils.auto_check(correction, "correction")
        self.alternative = (
            tea_tasting.utils.auto_check(alternative, "alternative")
            if alternative is not None
            else tea_tasting.config.get_config("alternative")

    def cols(self) -> tuple[str]:
        return (self.column,)

    def analyze_dataframes(
        control: pd.DataFrame,
        treatment: pd.DataFrame,
    ) -> MannWhitneyUResult:
        res = scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu(
        return MannWhitneyUResult(

Property cols should return a sequence of strings.

Method analyze_dataframes accepts two parameters: control and treatment data as Pandas DataFrames. Even with data backend different from Pandas, tea-tasting will retrieve the data and transform into a Pandas DataFrame.

Method analyze_dataframes returns an instance of MannWhitneyUResult, defined earlier, with analysis result.

Now we can perform the Mann-Whitney U test:

experiment_mwu = tt.Experiment(
result = experiment_mwu.analyze(data)
print(result.to_string(("metric", "pvalue", "statistic")))
#>      metric pvalue statistic
#>  mwu_orders 0.0263   2069092
#> mwu_revenue 0.0300   2068063

Analyzing two types of metrics together#

It's also possible to analyze two types of metrics in one experiment:

experiment = tt.Experiment(
#>                 metric control treatment rel_effect_size rel_effect_size_ci pvalue
#> prop_users_with_orders   0.345     0.384             11%             [-, -] 0.0117
#> mean_users_with_orders   0.345     0.384             11%        [2.5%, 21%] 0.0106
#>             mwu_orders       -         -               -             [-, -] 0.0263
#>            mwu_revenue       -         -               -             [-, -] 0.0300

In this case, tea-tasting perform two queries on experimental data:

  • With aggregated statistics required for analysis of metrics of type MetricBaseAggregated.
  • With detailed data with columns required for analysis of metrics of type MetricBaseGranular.


Follow these recommendations when defining custom metrics:

  • Use parameter and attribute names consistent with the ones that are already defined in tea-tasting. For example, use pvalue instead of p_value or correction instead of use_continuity.
  • End confidence interval boundary names with "_ci_lower" and "_ci_upper".
  • During initialization, save parameter values in metric attributes using the same names. For example, use self.correction = correction instead of self.use_continuity = correction.
  • Use globals settings as default values for standard parameters, such as alternative or confidence_level. See the reference for the full list of standard parameters. You can also define and use your own global parameters.