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Data backends#


tea-tasting supports a wide range of data backends such as BigQuery, ClickHouse, PostgreSQL/GreenPlum, Snowflake, Spark, and 20+ other backends supported by Ibis. Ibis is a Python package that serves as a DataFrame API to various data backends.

Many statistical tests, such as the Student's t-test or the Z-test, require only aggregated data for analysis. For these tests, tea-tasting retrieves only aggregated statistics like mean and variance instead of downloading all detailed data.

For example, if the raw experimental data are stored in ClickHouse, it's faster and more efficient to calculate counts, averages, variances, and covariances directly in ClickHouse rather than fetching granular data and performing aggregations in a Python environment.

This guide:

  • Shows how to use tea-tasting with a data backend of your choice for the analysis of an experiment.
  • Explains some internals of how tea-tasting uses Ibis to work with data backends.

Demo database#

This guide uses DuckDB, an in-process analytical database, as an example data backend. To be able to reproduce the example code, install both tea-tasting and Ibis with DuckDB extra:

pip install tea-tasting ibis-framework[duckdb]

First, let's prepare a demo database:

import ibis
import tea_tasting as tt

users_data = tt.make_users_data(seed=42)
con = ibis.duckdb.connect()
con.create_table("users_data", users_data)
#> DatabaseTable: memory.main.users_data
#>   user     int64
#>   variant  uint8
#>   sessions int64
#>   orders   int64
#>   revenue  float64

In the example above:

  • Function tt.make_users_data returns a Pandas DataFrame with example experimental data.
  • Function ibis.duckdb.connect creates a DuckDB in-process database using Ibis API.
  • Method con.create_table creates and populates a table in the database based on the DataFrame.

See the Ibis documentation on how to create connections to other data backends.

Querying experimental data#

Method con.create_table in the example above returns an instance of Ibis Table which already can be used in the analysis of the experiment. But let's see how to use an SQL query to create Ibis Table:

data = con.sql("select * from users_data")
#> SQLQueryResult
#>   query:
#>     select * from users_data
#>   schema:
#>     user     int64
#>     variant  uint8
#>     sessions int64
#>     orders   int64
#>     revenue  float64

It's a very simple query. In real world, you might need to use joins, aggregations, and CTEs to get the data. You can define any SQL query supported by your data backend and use it to create Ibis Table.

Keep in mind that tea-tasting assumes that:

  • Data is grouped by randomization units, such as individual users.
  • There is a column indicating variant of the A/B test (typically labeled as A, B, etc.).
  • All necessary columns for metric calculations (like the number of orders, revenue, etc.) are included in the table.

Ibis Table is a lazy object. It doesn't fetch the data when created. You can use Ibis DataFrame API to query the table and fetch the result:

#>    user  variant  sessions  orders    revenue
#> 0     0        1         2       1   9.166147
#> 1     1        0         2       1   6.434079
#> 2     2        1         2       1   7.943873
#> 3     3        1         2       1  15.928675
#> 4     4        0         1       1   7.136917

Ibis example#

To better understand what Ibis does, let's consider the following example:

aggr_data = data.group_by("variant").aggregate(
    orders_per_session=data.orders.mean() / data.sessions.mean(),
#> r0 := SQLQueryResult
#>   query:
#>     select * from users_data
#>   schema:
#>     user     int64
#>     variant  uint8
#>     sessions int64
#>     orders   int64
#>     revenue  float64
#> Aggregate[r0]
#>   groups:
#>     variant: r0.variant
#>   metrics:
#>     sessions_per_user:  Mean(r0.sessions)
#>     orders_per_session: Mean(r0.orders) / Mean(r0.sessions)
#>     orders_per_user:    Mean(r0.orders)
#>     revenue_per_user:   Mean(r0.revenue)

aggr_data is another Ibis Table defined as a query over the previously defined data. Let's fetch the result:

#>    variant  sessions_per_user  orders_per_session  orders_per_user  revenue_per_user
#> 0        0           1.996045            0.265726         0.530400          5.241079
#> 1        1           1.982802            0.289031         0.573091          5.730132

Internally, Ibis compiles a Table to an SQL query supported by the backend:

#>   "t0"."variant",
#>   AVG("t0"."sessions") AS "sessions_per_user",
#>   AVG("t0"."orders") / AVG("t0"."sessions") AS "orders_per_session",
#>   AVG("t0"."orders") AS "orders_per_user",
#>   AVG("t0"."revenue") AS "revenue_per_user"
#> FROM (
#>     *
#>   FROM users_data
#> ) AS "t0"
#>   1

See Ibis documentation for more details.

Experiment analysis#

The example above shows how to query the metric averages. But for statistical inference it's not enough. For example, Student's t-test and Z-test also require number of rows and variance. And analysis of ratio metrics and variance reduction with CUPED require covariances.

Querying all the required statistics manually can be a daunting and error-prone task. But don't worry—tea-tasting does this work for you. You just need to specify the metrics:

experiment = tt.Experiment(
    orders_per_session=tt.RatioOfMeans("orders", "sessions"),
result = experiment.analyze(data)
#>             metric control treatment rel_effect_size rel_effect_size_ci pvalue
#>  sessions_per_user    2.00      1.98          -0.66%      [-3.7%, 2.5%]  0.674
#> orders_per_session   0.266     0.289            8.8%      [-0.89%, 19%] 0.0762
#>    orders_per_user   0.530     0.573            8.0%       [-2.0%, 19%]  0.118
#>   revenue_per_user    5.24      5.73            9.3%       [-2.4%, 22%]  0.123

In the example above, tea-tasting fetches all the required statistics with a single query and then uses them to analyse the experiment.

Some statistical methods, like Bootstrap, require granular data for the analysis. In this case, tea-tasting fetches the detailed data as well.

Example with CUPED#

An example of a slightly more complicated analysis using variance reduction with CUPED:

users_data_with_cov = tt.make_users_data(seed=42, covariates=True)
con.create_table("users_data_with_cov", users_data_with_cov)
#> DatabaseTable: memory.main.users_data_with_cov
#>   user               int64
#>   variant            uint8
#>   sessions           int64
#>   orders             int64
#>   revenue            float64
#>   sessions_covariate int64
#>   orders_covariate   int64
#>   revenue_covariate  float64

data_with_cov = con.sql("select * from users_data_with_cov")
experiment_with_cov = tt.Experiment(
    sessions_per_user=tt.Mean("sessions", "sessions_covariate"),
    orders_per_user=tt.Mean("orders", "orders_covariate"),
    revenue_per_user=tt.Mean("revenue", "revenue_covariate"),
result_with_cov = experiment_with_cov.analyze(data_with_cov)
#>             metric control treatment rel_effect_size rel_effect_size_ci  pvalue
#>  sessions_per_user    2.00      1.98          -0.68%      [-3.2%, 1.9%]   0.603
#> orders_per_session   0.262     0.293             12%        [4.2%, 21%] 0.00229
#>    orders_per_user   0.523     0.581             11%        [2.9%, 20%] 0.00733
#>   revenue_per_user    5.12      5.85             14%        [3.8%, 26%] 0.00675