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Multiple testing#

Multiple hypothesis testing problem#


This guide uses Polars as an example data backend. To be able to reproduce the example code, install Polars in addition to tea-tasting:

pip install polars

The multiple hypothesis testing problem arises when there is more than one success metric or more than one treatment variant in an A/B test.

tea-tasting provides the following methods for multiple testing correction:

  • False discovery rate (FDR) controlling procedures:
    • Benjamini-Hochberg procedure, assuming non-negative correlation between hypotheses.
    • Benjamini-Yekutieli procedure, assuming arbitrary dependence between hypotheses.
  • Family-wise error rate (FWER) controlling procedures:
    • Hochberg's step-up procedure, assuming non-negative correlation between hypotheses.
    • Holm's step-down procedure, assuming arbitrary dependence between hypotheses.

As an example, consider an experiment with three variants, a control and two treatments:

>>> import polars as pl
>>> import tea_tasting as tt

>>> data = pl.concat((
...     tt.make_users_data(
...         seed=42,
...         orders_uplift=0.10,
...         revenue_uplift=0.15,
...         return_type="polars",
...     ),
...     tt.make_users_data(
...         seed=21,
...         orders_uplift=0.15,
...         revenue_uplift=0.20,
...         return_type="polars",
...     )
...         .filter(pl.col("variant").eq(1))
...         .with_columns(variant=pl.lit(2, pl.Int64)),
... ))
>>> print(data)
shape: (6_046, 5)
│ user ┆ variant ┆ sessions ┆ orders ┆ revenue │
│ ---  ┆ ---     ┆ ---      ┆ ---    ┆ ---     │
│ i64  ┆ i64     ┆ i64      ┆ i64    ┆ f64     │
│ 0    ┆ 1       ┆ 2        ┆ 1      ┆ 9.58    │
│ 1    ┆ 0       ┆ 2        ┆ 1      ┆ 6.43    │
│ 2    ┆ 1       ┆ 2        ┆ 1      ┆ 8.3     │
│ 3    ┆ 1       ┆ 2        ┆ 1      ┆ 16.65   │
│ 4    ┆ 0       ┆ 1        ┆ 1      ┆ 7.14    │
│ …    ┆ …       ┆ …        ┆ …      ┆ …       │
│ 3989 ┆ 2       ┆ 4        ┆ 4      ┆ 34.93   │
│ 3991 ┆ 2       ┆ 1        ┆ 0      ┆ 0.0     │
│ 3992 ┆ 2       ┆ 3        ┆ 3      ┆ 27.96   │
│ 3994 ┆ 2       ┆ 2        ┆ 1      ┆ 17.22   │
│ 3998 ┆ 2       ┆ 3        ┆ 0      ┆ 0.0     │

Let's calculate the experiment results:

>>> experiment = tt.Experiment(
...     sessions_per_user=tt.Mean("sessions"),
...     orders_per_session=tt.RatioOfMeans("orders", "sessions"),
...     orders_per_user=tt.Mean("orders"),
...     revenue_per_user=tt.Mean("revenue"),
... )
>>> results = experiment.analyze(data, control=0, all_variants=True)
>>> print(results)
variants             metric control treatment rel_effect_size rel_effect_size_ci  pvalue
  (0, 1)  sessions_per_user    2.00      1.98          -0.66%      [-3.7%, 2.5%]   0.674
  (0, 1) orders_per_session   0.266     0.289            8.8%      [-0.89%, 19%]  0.0762
  (0, 1)    orders_per_user   0.530     0.573            8.0%       [-2.0%, 19%]   0.118
  (0, 1)   revenue_per_user    5.24      5.99             14%        [2.1%, 28%]  0.0211
  (0, 2)  sessions_per_user    2.00      2.02           0.98%      [-2.1%, 4.1%]   0.532
  (0, 2) orders_per_session   0.266     0.295             11%        [1.2%, 22%]  0.0273
  (0, 2)    orders_per_user   0.530     0.594             12%        [1.7%, 23%]  0.0213
  (0, 2)   revenue_per_user    5.24      6.25             19%        [6.6%, 33%] 0.00218

Suppose only the two metrics orders_per_user and revenue_per_user are considered as success metrics, while the other two metrics sessions_per_user and orders_per_session are second-order diagnostic metrics.

>>> metrics = {"orders_per_user", "revenue_per_user"}

With two treatment variants and two success metrics, there are four hypotheses in total, which increases the probability of false positives (also called "false discoveries"). It's recommended to adjust the p-values or the significance level (alpha) in this case. Let's explore the correction methods provided by tea-tasting.

False discovery rate#

False discovery rate (FDR) is the expected value of the proportion of false discoveries among the discoveries (rejections of the null hypothesis). To control for FDR, use the adjust_fdr method:

>>> adjusted_results_fdr = tt.adjust_fdr(results, metrics)
>>> print(adjusted_results_fdr)
comparison           metric control treatment rel_effect_size  pvalue pvalue_adj
    (0, 1)  orders_per_user   0.530     0.573            8.0%   0.118      0.118
    (0, 1) revenue_per_user    5.24      5.99             14%  0.0211     0.0284
    (0, 2)  orders_per_user   0.530     0.594             12%  0.0213     0.0284
    (0, 2) revenue_per_user    5.24      6.25             19% 0.00218    0.00872

The method adjusts p-values and saves them as pvalue_adj. Compare these values to the desired significance level alpha to determine if the null hypotheses can be rejected.

The method also adjusts the significance level alpha and saves it as alpha_adj. Compare non-adjusted p-values (pvalue) to the alpha_adj to determine if the null hypotheses can be rejected:

>>> print(adjusted_results_fdr.to_string(keys=(
...     "comparison",
...     "metric",
...     "control",
...     "treatment",
...     "rel_effect_size",
...     "pvalue",
...     "alpha_adj",
... )))
comparison           metric control treatment rel_effect_size  pvalue alpha_adj
    (0, 1)  orders_per_user   0.530     0.573            8.0%   0.118    0.0500
    (0, 1) revenue_per_user    5.24      5.99             14%  0.0211    0.0375
    (0, 2)  orders_per_user   0.530     0.594             12%  0.0213    0.0375
    (0, 2) revenue_per_user    5.24      6.25             19% 0.00218    0.0375

By default, tea-tasting assumes non-negative correlation between hypotheses and performs the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. To perform the Benjamini-Yekutieli procedure, assuming arbitrary dependence between hypotheses, set the arbitrary_dependence parameter to True:

>>> print(tt.adjust_fdr(results, metrics, arbitrary_dependence=True))
comparison           metric control treatment rel_effect_size  pvalue pvalue_adj
    (0, 1)  orders_per_user   0.530     0.573            8.0%   0.118      0.245
    (0, 1) revenue_per_user    5.24      5.99             14%  0.0211     0.0592
    (0, 2)  orders_per_user   0.530     0.594             12%  0.0213     0.0592
    (0, 2) revenue_per_user    5.24      6.25             19% 0.00218     0.0182

Family-wise error rate#

Family-wise error rate (FWER) is the probability of making at least one type I error. To control for FWER, use the adjust_fwer method:

>>> print(tt.adjust_fwer(results, metrics))
comparison           metric control treatment rel_effect_size  pvalue pvalue_adj
    (0, 1)  orders_per_user   0.530     0.573            8.0%   0.118      0.118
    (0, 1) revenue_per_user    5.24      5.99             14%  0.0211     0.0422
    (0, 2)  orders_per_user   0.530     0.594             12%  0.0213     0.0422
    (0, 2) revenue_per_user    5.24      6.25             19% 0.00218    0.00869

By default, tea-tasting assumes non-negative correlation between hypotheses and performs the Hochberg's step-up procedure with the Šidák correction, which is slightly more powerful than the Bonferroni correction.

To perform the Holm's step-down procedure, assuming arbitrary dependence between hypotheses, set the arbitrary_dependence parameter to True. In this case, it's recommended to use the Bonferroni correction, since the Šidák correction assumes non-negative correlation between hypotheses:

>>> print(tt.adjust_fwer(
...     results,
...     metrics,
...     arbitrary_dependence=True,
...     method="bonferroni",
... ))
comparison           metric control treatment rel_effect_size  pvalue pvalue_adj
    (0, 1)  orders_per_user   0.530     0.573            8.0%   0.118      0.118
    (0, 1) revenue_per_user    5.24      5.99             14%  0.0211     0.0634
    (0, 2)  orders_per_user   0.530     0.594             12%  0.0213     0.0634
    (0, 2) revenue_per_user    5.24      6.25             19% 0.00218    0.00872

Other inputs#

In the examples above, the methods adjust_fdr and adjust_fwer received results from a single experiment with more than two variants. They can also accept the results from multiple experiments with two variants in each:

>>> data1 = tt.make_users_data(seed=42, orders_uplift=0.10, revenue_uplift=0.15)
>>> data2 = tt.make_users_data(seed=21, orders_uplift=0.15, revenue_uplift=0.20)
>>> result1 = experiment.analyze(data1)
>>> result2 = experiment.analyze(data2)
>>> print(tt.adjust_fdr(
...     {"Experiment 1": result1, "Experiment 2": result2},
...     metrics,
... ))
  comparison           metric control treatment rel_effect_size   pvalue pvalue_adj
Experiment 1  orders_per_user   0.530     0.573            8.0%    0.118      0.118
Experiment 1 revenue_per_user    5.24      5.99             14%   0.0211     0.0282
Experiment 2  orders_per_user   0.514     0.594             16%  0.00427    0.00853
Experiment 2 revenue_per_user    5.10      6.25             22% 6.27e-04    0.00251

The methods adjust_fdr and adjust_fwer can also accept the result of a single experiment with two variants:

>>> print(tt.adjust_fwer(result2, metrics))
comparison           metric control treatment rel_effect_size   pvalue pvalue_adj
         -  orders_per_user   0.514     0.594             16%  0.00427    0.00427
         - revenue_per_user    5.10      6.25             22% 6.27e-04    0.00125